by CERES | Nov 29, 2019 | CERES News, Uncategorized
CERES partners met at Driebergen, the Netherlands to begin work on the final synthesis report. Parts of the report will be presented at the CERES final meeting in Haarlem in January.
by CERES | Nov 5, 2019 | CERES publications, CERES Science, marine fisheries, Uncategorized
The effects of increasing fishing pressure in combination with temperature increases in the Nordic and Barents Seas have been evaluated using an end-to-end model for the area forced by a downscaled RCP 4.5 climate scenario. The scenarios that have been applied have...
by CERES | Sep 19, 2019 | CERES publications, CERES Science, marine aquaculture
This study evaluated the impact of increasing seawater temperature and acidification on the accumulation/elimination dynamics of HAB-toxins in shellfish. The present work is the first assessing the combined effect of climate change drivers on accumulation/elimination...
by CERES | Sep 2, 2019 | CERES News
Changing water temperature is an important factor, perhaps even more so than has been assumed so far, says CERES scientific coordinator Myron Peck. Prof Peck was speaking at the Deutshcen Fischereitag (German Fishery Day) in Magdeburg, Germany on 21 August 2019. In a...
by CERES | Aug 27, 2019 | CERES publications, CERES Science, marine fisheries
CERES researchers designed a questionnaire to assess the jellyfish consumption attitude (JCA) of respondents and explore the effect of their individual traits (socio-demography, personality, behavior habits, neophobia, disgust sensitivity) on JCA. Gender, age, and...