The SS-DBEM is a mechanistic model, which means that it takes into account aspects of ecology (e.g. habitat preference, migration) and physiology (e.g. growth and reproduction) to determine biomass and distribution of fish species in response to changes in the environment (e.g. temperature, competition with other species, food availability). The SS-DBEM projects the impact of changes in the environment (e.g. warming, deoxygenation) and human activity (fishing pressure) on the abundance and biomass of modelled species. All this makes it a state of the art model in regard to projecting fish distribution and trends in both abundance and catch in response to climate change. Model outputs consist of fish abundance (number of fish per grid cell) and fish catch (number of fish caught per grid cell) considering three different fishing activity scenarios, termed the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). 

 Copernicus Climate Change Service
DOI: 10.24381/cds.39c97304