CERES for Blue Growth
From 2016 to 2020, CERES investigated how climate change will influence Europe’s most important fish and shellfish resources and the economic activities depending on them.
We developed tools and strategies that can help fisheries, aquaculture sectors and governments to prepare for the adverse changes or future benefits of climate change.
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Latest publications
Atlantic bluefin tuna spawn at suboptimal temperatures for their offspring
In this study we analyse how offspring fitness constrains spawning phenology in a large migratory apex predator, the Atlantic bluefin tuna. The reproductive schedule of Atlantic bluefin tuna varies between spawning sites, suggesting plasticity to local environmental...
Combining sale records of landings and fishers knowledge for predicting métiers in a small-scale, multi-gear, multispecies fishery
We propose an approach for predicting the métier of any given fishing trip from its landing records. Métier predictions produced with the proposed approach are closer to the actual uses of fishers, providing better grounds for an improved management. Palmer M, Tolosa...
Impacts of Climate Change in the United Kingdom and Ireland (Book chapter)
Fisheries and aquaculture contribute substantially to the coastal economies of the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland, and climate change is likely to have significant impacts. Documented effects on fisheries include both losses where availability of traditional stocks...
This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 678193 (CERES, Climate Change and European Aquatic Resources). The content of this website does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s).
March 2016 - February 2020 I 5.6 Mio Euros .
CERES Office Universität Hamburg, Germany
Professor Dr. Myron Peck, scientific coordinator
Anastasia Walter, project manager
Phone +49 40 42 838 9891
Email contact@ceresproject.eu
Twitter @ceresproject_eu